What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing

“Make your marketing so useful that people would pay for it”- jay Baer

Marketing has become one of the fundamental things in today’s world. Here we have social media marketing,

Social media marketing is marketing that is done through the social media platform to promote products and business online. The main purpose of social media marketing is brand awareness and building trust with the audience, engagement, making sales, and driving traffic on the website. 

Social Media Marketing
Tani Tech Solution

Agency of Social media marketing is mostly about creating quality content on social media related to the business that you are promoting. It will help to create brand awareness which is the most important part of the business.

You can do social media marketing organically and advertisement. social media marketing which is done organically takes time whereas social media marketing through paid advertisement will get your brand to outreach to the target audience within a limited period.

According to Wikipedia, in 2014, over 80% of business executives identified social media as an integral part of their business. Business retailers have seen 133% increases in their revenues from social media marketing.

 Some of the examples of social media are Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat.

Social media marketing is all about showing up and consistently putting out your brand or business online through various forms of content on the internet. The more visibility you get, the more you will have brand awareness. People only buy a product that is visible and trustworthy. And social media marketing will allow brands and businesses to be visible online 24/7.

Business cannot foster without a strategy and in every aspect of our business, you need a strategy. Without planning and strategy, any great idea can be failed. so it is necessary to brainstorm quality content for social media marketing. You can do keyword research to have content ideas.

The content should be of so much value to the audience so that it would be more insightful and helpful. when it comes to content marketing,” content is king and context is god” as Gary vee says. So, it is necessary to have consistency in putting out content on social media. The content can include images, how-to videos, infographics, content in form of text, etc. You can also post and share your blog post with your audience so that it will build trust with your audience and get more loyal followers. Social media marketing is all about the game of building trust and eventually brand in the longer run.

There are so many tools that are used for social media management, some of them are 

Buffer, Hootsuite, sprout social, Agora pulse, sensible, clincher, social pilot, co-schedule, ma social, Friends+me, crowd fire, Edgar, post planner, Tailwind, Later, sprinklr, oktopost, Hubspot, falcon.io, salesforce social studio, social hub, spred fast, Likeable hub and other many more.

Now let’s have a look at the social media platforms where you can market your product and brand.


It is difficult to do social media marketing organically on Facebook because the organic reach in Facebook is very low in comparison to other platforms.so most of the business run paid advertisement to reach out to the target audience. You can select your target audience based on a narrow niche, demographic, gender, age and many more.


Twitter is also one of the marketing platforms where you can promote the brand in a few seconds through short, sweet, and to the point content. Twitter also works as a search engine where you can search your competitors and audience who is talking about the similar services that you provide. You can drive traffic to your website by setting up a customized brand profile, hosting a twitter chat.


Instagram is one of the most popular among the youth. The main interesting part of Instagram is that you can get organic followers as well as you can run ads through Instagram. if you switch your Instagram account to a business account, then you will be able to run Instagram ads without having to use Facebook tools.

So, we as a Tani Tech also social media marketing Agency services provider to businesses who want to outsource the market throughout the globe online. if you are thinking of social media marketing for your brand feel free in contacting us.

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